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                About Us

                Cornerstone Capital focuses on value investing in global emerging economies areas. The investment phase spans the early, middle and late stages. And the invested industry covers TMT, biomedicine, energy conservation, environmental protection and so on. The core members of Cornerstone Capital are from top investment banks at home and abroad, involving a lot of resources to invest in domestic and overseas capital markets for more than 20 years. The leading listed financing, mergers and acquisitions and other projects are about 150 cases. Among them, there are more than 50 companies listed on the stock exchanges in the mainland China, Hong Kong, the United States, and Singapore.

                As a leader in the corporate capital market, Cornerstone Capital leverages its strengths to assist companies in resolving capital markets from the Pre-ipo, cornerstone investors, new share subscriptions, private placements, block trades, mergers and acquisitions, and privatization returns. Assist companies to solve various adversities and problems in the capital market.

                Exploring the Value, Investing the Future is the constant investment philosophy of Cornerstone Capital. Cornerstone Capital grasps global cyclical investment opportunities, and its products cover domestic and foreign primary and secondary markets, including equity funds, secondary market funds, and commodity futures quantitative funds. On behalf of the product, the Oriental Value Private Fund successfully withdrew from the liquidation in October 2017, and the Oriental Value Private Fund was ranked among the top three private equity yields in 2016.

                • 20Year

                  Involved a lot of resources to domestic and foreign capital markets for more than 20 years.
                • 150Cases

                  Leading around 150 cases in listed financing, mergers and acquisitions, etc.
                • 50Companies

                  More than 50 companies have listed and trading.
                ? 2017- 广州基↑岩资产管理有限公司 版权所有 粤ICP备15078061号-3 技术支持 www.szhzct.cn